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Depression – Learn to battle the Silent Killer


Mental health issues are often ignored and even suppressed. In fact, most people tend to keep them under wraps, refraining from seeking help or even talking about it with their near and dear ones for fear of social stigma.


Unfortunately, illness or issues of the mind may not seem as obvious or dramatic to you as physical problems, but mental health disorders definitely leave a much deeper mark on a your overall well-being...


What is Depression? How common is it?

Depression is a common mental health disorder, classified under mood disorders, affecting over 300 million people of all ages across the world.


The tell-tale signs of depression are overwhelming feelings of sadness and anger, accompanied by anxiety, loneliness, despair and sometimes even suicidal tendencies. Depression adversely affects your normal life activities, your mood, significantly interferes with your thought process and disrupts your life...


Significant Symptoms

If you have to determine if your loved one is suffering from depression, try to note if he or she has become unusually sad or aloof or doesn't care for things or activities he or she usually did or liked. Before everything goes south, look for the signs.


Mote signs of depression:

  • Irritability or restlessness

  • Too little or too much sleep

  • Loss of appetite or over-eating

  • Inability to focus on normal life activities or take decisions

  • Fatigue/lethargy

  • Mood swings...


What are its causes?

There may be several causes of depression. But to pin-point them, you may need to consult a psychologist/psychiatrist. Identifying the problem can help family members and friends come to the help of the depressed person...


A variety of distressing life situations can trigger depression

  • The sudden death of someone close,

  • Job loss,

  • Financial difficulties,

  • Conflict in marriage or family life or

  • A more deep-seated childhood trauma.


But it is believed that environment alone doesn’t play a role. Often more than not, people are more genetically predisposed to suffer from such a condition. Experts say a combination of genetic, biological, environmental and psychological factors lead to depression. We can categorize them as,

  1. Family history: If your parents or grandparents suffered from depression, then you run a high risk.

  2. Childhood trauma: Two people undergoing a traumatic situation in adulthood may react differently depending on events in their childhood. Events during the early stages of a person's life impact his/her body and mind to such an extend that their outlook and attitude towards the world around them...


Treatment options

It can very difficult to live with depression or to see someone wither away. But, you should never self-medicate for mental health issues. It can have far more disastrous impact on you and your life than you can ever imagine.


When you consult a doctor, these are the possible course of action he/she may take:

  1. Medication: Anti-depressants, anti-anxiety and anti-psychotic medications are often prescribed by the doctor. Please note, while they may have great benefits, but they are also accompanied...

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